Curriculum Vitae

*1990 Prague, CZ


2018 Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ, Faculty of Architecture, Studio Ondrej Cisler, PhD.

2013 - 2017 Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, CZ, studio: Supermedia, MgA.

2015 - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, studio: Sculpture (exchange)

2009-14 - University of Pardubice, Faculty of Restoration, Litomyšl, CZ ,field: Restoration of Stone, BcA.

2005-09 - Secondary Professional School of Applied Art, Prague, CZ, field. Wood-carving


2017 - CO se stromky, Mestska galerie Litomyšl, CZ
2017 - V Rozpuku (with Dmitrij Nikitin), Zamecka jizdarna, Litomysl, CZ
2016 - CO na Vánoce, New Stage of National Theatre, Prague, CZ
2016 - Symposium Klenová, CZ
2015 - Super, Spacial, Natural, Golden Ring House, Prague City Gallery ,CZ
2014 - Koriandrový tunel, Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, Prague City Gallery, CZ
2014 - CO - Camera obscura, Nymburk, CZ
2013 - CO - Camera obsccura, Piazzeta of National Theatre in Prague, CZ
2013, 14 - Stolen galery, Prague, Český Krumlov, CZ
2012 - CO - Camera obscura in Portmoneum, Litomyšl, CZ
2010 – Design blok, Prague, CZ


MgA. Aleš Hvízdal
Přecechtělova 2395

15500 Praha 13

+420 730182570

photo: Jena Simkova

photo: Jena Simkova